* 2S3T Activity
This activity was held to improve working conditions to be convenient,
and encourage staff to realize on safety as a priority it’s able to reach effective cleanliness, productivity with quality.
– Evaluation activity in 20 -25 of every months
-Activity to follow up in 1-10 of every months award the best performance division
-Evaluate by supervisor, committee and executives in the end of months
-Activity Summary
– Award the best performance division
-Meeting review performance plan in every months
– 2019 (ลิ้งไปหาเนื้อหาทั้ง 12 เดือน)
* Kaizen Activity
This activity is held to enhance potential performance and exceed goals.
Staff have to pay attention on their task and concentrate on improving their skills to accomplish assignment efficiently.
-Each division represents improvement topic to committee
-Analysis and summarize activity by undertakers
-Award the best performance division
-Publicize on company’s board
This activity was held occasional it depends on staff represents their topic.
– 2019 (ลิ้งไปหาเนื้อหาทั้ง 12 เดือน บางเดือนอาจไม่มี)
* Training Activity
Training activities are held to educate employees according to annual training plans which the content provides deeply knowledge for their work performance effectively.
Lecturers were invited from outside to implement knowledge about various issues that are essential involve to current job performance.
– 2019
– Supervisory Skill (ไม่มีแปลอังกฤษ/ญี่ปุ่น version อังกฤษ/ญี่ปุ่น ก็ให้ลิ้งมาหา ver TH เลย)
– Effective Work and Good Result with PDCA (ไม่มีแปลอังกฤษ/ญี่ปุ่น version อังกฤษ/ญี่ปุ่น ก็ให้ลิ้งมาหา ver TH เลย)
– Motivation and Conscious Mind for Working by 7 Q (ไม่มีแปลอังกฤษ/ญี่ปุ่น version อังกฤษ/ญี่ปุ่น ก็ให้ลิ้งมาหา ver TH เลย)
-Effectiveness of Kaizen activity (ไม่มีแปลอังกฤษ/ญี่ปุ่น version อังกฤษ/ญี่ปุ่น ก็ให้ลิ้งมาหา ver TH เลย)